febbraio 18, 2024 UK Flag Italy Flag Spain Flag Help: Italy Flag UK Flag

Episode 80: Spanish for Technology and Innovation

Welcome to Episode 80 of Learn Spanish 5 Minutes per Day in 100 Days! In this episode, we will focus on Spanish for technology and innovation. Technology plays a significant role in our lives, and being able to discuss technological advancements and innovations in Spanish allows us to stay connected and navigate the digital world. Let's dive into the world of Spanish for technology and innovation!

Español para la Tecnología e Innovación.
Spanish for Technology and Innovation.
Repeat: Español para la Tecnología e Innovación.

As we explore Spanish for technology and innovation, let's learn some essential vocabulary and phrases:

Repeat: Computadora.
This word refers to a computer or personal computer.

Teléfono móvil.
Mobile phone.
Repeat: Teléfono móvil.
Use this phrase to talk about a mobile phone or cellphone.

Repeat: Internet.
This word is used to describe the global computer network.

Repeat: Aplicación.
This term refers to a software program or mobile app.

Repeat: Tecnología.
Use this word to talk about technological advancements and innovations.

Spanish for technology and innovation allows you to discuss the latest gadgets, digital advancements, and technological trends with confidence.

Keep practicing Spanish for technology and innovation, and let the language be your passport to the ever-evolving world of technology.
¡Disfruta de la tecnología en español!
Enjoy technology in Spanish!

In the next episode, we will focus on Spanish for fashion and style. Stay tuned and keep up the great work!
¡Hasta luego!
See you later!