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Episode 91: Negotiations and Business Meetings

Welcome to Episode 91 of Learn Spanish 5 Minutes per Day in 100 Days! In this episode, we will focus on Spanish for negotiations and business meetings. Being able to navigate business negotiations and engage in conversations during meetings in Spanish can open doors to new opportunities and partnerships. Let's sharpen our business acumen with Spanish for negotiations and business meetings!

Español para Negociaciones y Reuniones de Negocios.

Spanish for Negotiations and Business Meetings.

Repeat: Español para Negociaciones y Reuniones de Negocios.

As we explore Spanish for negotiations and business meetings, let's learn some essential phrases:



Repeat: Negociación.

This word refers to the process of discussing terms to reach an agreement.



Repeat: Acuerdo.

Use this word to talk about a mutual understanding or arrangement.



Repeat: Propuesta.

This term is used to describe a suggestion or plan put forward.



Repeat: Contrato.

This word is used to talk about a legally binding agreement.



Repeat: Reunión.

Use this word to describe a gathering for discussion or collaboration.

Spanish for negotiations and business meetings allows you to build professional relationships, close deals, and engage in conversations that drive success.

Keep practicing Spanish for negotiations and business meetings, and let the language be your key to thriving in the business world.

¡Alcanza tus metas en español!

Achieve your goals in Spanish!

In the next episode, we will focus on Spanish for public speaking.

Stay tuned and keep up the great work!

¡Hasta luego!

See you later!